2014 Paducah Quilt Show
Getting Ready for the Paducah Quilt Show
Well it is about time to leave for the annual Paducah AQS Quilting Show and Convention. The show days for 2014 are April 23 – 26th but we like to show up several days earlier to enjoy other entertainment and attractions the city and the region have to offer . . . before the population of Paducah doubles when the big show officially starts! (PS. After the Show I amended this post with some pictures of some of the winners. Scroll down to the bottom of this post to see a link to them. )
We’ll be based at the Canal Park RV Park in Grand Rivers, Kentucky at the edge of the Land Between the Lakes National Park. It is about 20 miles from Paducah and not as convenient as some of the RV parks and campgrounds in and around Paducah itself, but the campground itself is very attractive and we like the hiking trails in the park (and the nearby LBL) and also enjoy the shops and restuarants in the little town of Grand Rivers, Kentucky. Ross has promised me a belated birthday dinner at Patti’s 1880’s Settlement and I always enjoy going there. One more bonus of the Grand Rivers area are the three nearby golf courses which keep Ross occupied while I get my Paducah Quilt Show fix!
Show Parking.
If you are going to this year’s event, know that they have added Carson Park as a satellite parking area for the show and it is being regularly served by the free Shuttle Buses or Trolleys that provide service between major lodging units on the periphery of town and various quilt show locations in Paducah.
Also if you haven’t got advance reservations for the events, as of this date online reservations are closed. But you can still register in person.
Show Events and Happenings.
In addition to the regular show events – workshops, lectures, entertainment, vendor displays, contest quilts, and special quilt collection exhibits – there are four official satellite events or venues occuring during Quilt Week: The National Quilting Museum will be featuring three special exhibits, the 26th Annual Rotary Quilt Show & Vendor Mall will be held in its usual location, the Fantastic Fibers exhibit will be at the Yeiser Art Center, and as in the past there is Eleanor Burn’s Quilt in a Day show and sale.
This year Eleanor’s Quilt in a Day Variety Tent Show has a new location. For years her show tent and Fabric Freenzy fabric sale tents were located in Carson Park. While a good location for parking and lots of space, there have been years when strong wind and rain have put a decided “damper” on the show and sale. Apparently Eleanor has had enough with “tenting” and is moving her show indoors. It is now at 609 Jefferson Street, much closer to the Expo Center and many other show events. But the downside is the new location only seats 200 and seating is now $5. Lots of fun and worth the price (at least one time) to see her show. You can learn more about the show here.
Apparently there will also be some sale items at this new location but I doubt whether it has the size or space to accomodate what the sale has been like in the past. But sales will go on at her downtown store as well as her warehouse on Kentucky Avenue.
Other Worthwhile Events
While Eleanor’s Fabric and Quilting Supplies sale is the only AQS “Sanctioned Event” Sale there are many more big sales by other quilting purveyors located downtown and elsewhere. There are also other special events going on during this week that are just as interesting. For example Hancocks of Paducah is always flocked by bargain hunters and several other quilting merchants are offering similar specials. While the official show has a large vendor area, many quilting vendors set up shop in the Kentucky Oaks Mall on the west edge of Paducah. This year the Mall is also sponsoring an Artisan Festival. The McCracken County Library is displaying quilt wall hangings, conducting a special collectible quilt book sale and offering a special evening presentation by Dr. Pearlie Johnson on Kentucky Quilt Art. These are just a few of the other events going on of interest to quilters.
There are a few more events or activities that don’t have a lot to do with quilting but are worthwhile: the annual Paducah Dogwood Trail Celebration, Touring Paducah’s Mural Wall, and the walking tour of historic homes in the Lower Town Arts District. (The links all go to feature pages on our website with pictures and other information)
Here’s a few more links of interest:
Paducah Visitors Bureau
AQS Paducah Quilt Week Paducah –
Maybe see you at the show?
See the “Best of Show” Quilt and some of my favorites of the Winning Quilts from the 2014 Paducah Quilt Show
Oh, I am so gladd to see this post as I’m heading to Paducah for my first time! I’ll be hanging out at the AccuQuilt booth a couple of hours each day. Can’t wait to come to Quilt Mecca!